About Our Wishlist:
We have so many people ask what we need, how we see the ranch growing, and what are the big dreams we have? This list represents some of items needed to help us fulfill the mission of HopeWell Ranch. We have three categories: animal care, facility needs, and equipment. Our mission is to create a loving environment of hope, healing, and purpose for children, individuals and families, where lives can be transformed, in order to succeed, through the redeeming love of Christ. Donations can be made through PayPal to [email protected] You can also donate from our Amazon Wishlist at this link: https://a.co/hI7CwhF |
Animal Care:
Please sponsor your favorite horse! You can donate your desired amount monthly to sponsor your favorite horse. Contact HopeWell Ranch today to establish your monthly sponsorship or click on "Donate" under the Support Us tab.
Here are some crucial items we need:
Facility Needs:
Equipment Needs:
Please sponsor your favorite horse! You can donate your desired amount monthly to sponsor your favorite horse. Contact HopeWell Ranch today to establish your monthly sponsorship or click on "Donate" under the Support Us tab.
Here are some crucial items we need:
- Hay: We are in need of hay, square or round bales. Hay is a daily necessity for the nutritional needs of our horses. If you do not have actual hay to donate we will accept funds to purchase the hay for the horses.
- Small Animal Feed: We need feed for rabbits, goats, chickens, ducks, dogs and cats.
- Grain: Due to differing needs of the horses we use multiple types of feeds and supplements for specific horses to assure we are meeting their nutritional and health needs.
- Horses: We utilize Tribute Seniority NSC Plus Pellets and Tribute Essential K.
- Salt Licks: Salt (sodium chloride) is so important that it must be fed free choice to all horses. An adult horse that is not being used will eat about ½ pound of salt a week! The harder the horse is being used the more salt the horse will need. If free choice salt is made available, most horses will be able to get the salt they need, but not always. Sometimes a Free Choice Horse Salt Block is Not Enough. If a horse is working very hard with excessive sweating, especially in a hot climate, the horse may not be able to lick enough salt off that horse salt block to meet their needs. Horses suffering from a salt deficiency will tire easily and have muscle spasms. They will also stop sweating, causing the body to overheat and go into shock. If you suspect the horse may not be getting enough salt you can add ¼ – ½ cup loose rock salt to their grain rations. Or better yet, offer loose rock salt and a salt block free choice. It is nearly unheard for a horse to receive too much salt as long as they have access to fresh water. This allows horses to gain nutritional value that is not available in the hay.
- Fly Spray: Ultra Shield EX Absorbine® has raised the bar in the fly control arena with the introduction of UltraShield® EX – the sweat resistant insecticide and repellent formula that will protect your horse for up to 17 days. This repellent is an enhanced version of the original UltraShield® and sets a new standard for ultimate insect protection. It kills and repels more than 70 insect species. It is active for 17 days and contains multiple sunscreens and coat conditioners including aloe and lanolin. This spray can be used on horses or dogs.
- Wound and Skin Care Products: Vetericyn, Swat Fly Ointment, Veterinary Liniment.
- We use Vetericyn, which has been shown to help with hot spots, scratches, skin rashes, skin ulcers, cuts, burns, post-surgical sites, irritated skin, cleaning the umbilical & navel, cleaning and debriding of animal wounds, sores, lacerations and more. Vetericyn is a one-step wound and skin care product for animals. Vetericyn doesn’t harm healthy tissue and is safe for use on all animal species of all ages. Vetericyn is environmentally friendly and is proudly made in the USA.
- We use Swat Fly Ointment to protect wounds, open sores, scratches and abrasions from dirt, filth and disease-carrying flies. This product is botanically-derived pyrethrin formula that repels house flies, stable flies, face flies and horn flies, and kills them on contact. Ideal for use on the ears and other facial areas
- We use Veterinary Liniment to offer the soothing blend of natural herbs and essential oils that provides powerful pain relief for sore muscles, tendons, and stiff joints. This product delivers fast relief of temporary muscular and joint soreness, swelling, and stiffness. It is a deep penetrating heat that soothes the pain and swelling of tissue due to arthritis. This product will also clean and treat conditions like rain rot, scratches and summer itch. Veterinary Liniment also works as an antiseptic and helps prevent hoof and fungal and bacterial infections. It can also be used in a diluted form for a soothing body wash for the horse.
- Deworming Products: In fact, it is no surprise that parasitism is the most common equine disease. However, by establishing a regular deworming schedule to target and eliminate worms and stomach bots, as well as to prevent their re-occurrence, you can help keep your horse parasite free. There are a variety of medications, technically called “dewormers” but commonly referred to as “wormers”, to help control internal parasites in your horse.
- Flea and Tick Treatment: for dogs, cats, rabbits
- Rabbits: Flea treatments are a common concern of rabbit owners. Flea powders are a better option for rabbits. The rabbit is dusted with 5% carbaryl insecticide (a common brand name is 5% Sevin Dust). This product needs to be worked down through Bunny’s thick fur to the skin.
- Dogs: Spot-on treatments like Frontline Plus and K9 Advantix are the most popular for good reason–they work. They are sold in monthly doses and you apply the liquid in each dose to the skin on your pet’s back once a month. They’re relatively inexpensive, generally have no side effects, apply easily, prevent fleas and ticks from hosting on your pet, and kill them when they try. There are some differences among popular spot-on treatments to consider before choosing the best option for you and your pet.
- Cats: Frontline Plus for cats is an effective flea and tick treatment that guards felines against these pests for an entire month. The topical spot-on treatment kills 100% adult fleas within 12 hours and keeps eradicating flea eggs, larvae and pupae for four continuous weeks. The waterproof treatment remains active even if the pet gets wet.
- Tack and care supplies:
- Horse Blankets – Turnouts, Fly Sheets and Stable Blankets; Saddle soap, conditioner, soap for horse blankets and pads.
Facility Needs:
- Electrical Service in the Cabins: As our on site overnight programs continue to grow, we are finding that it is essential to have electrical services in the cabins to aid the comfort of the camp participant. With the sweltering heat of this summer, our camp participants would have greatly appreciated fans to circulate the air!
- Installation and materials for a covering on the back porch of the office: The back porch often gets icy in the winter, so having a covered porch will help.
- High Tunnel Greenhouse: Our blessing garden would benefit from a start in a green house. Many participants in our program find their hope and healing in the garden rather than with the animals. A high tunnel would enable them to enjoy this for more months out of the year.
- Storage building for tools: With so much activity, it is easy for tools to get placed here and there. We would love to have ONE location so that we can keep a better inventory of our tools, and so that volunteers know exactly where to find what they need. Ideally, we would like to have a 20-foot shipping container for storage.
- Play area: Any sturdy play-sets for our young visitors would be appreciated.
- First aid kits and Fire extinguishers: Always a necessity.
Equipment Needs:
- Rototiller: for the blessing garden
- Tractor with Implements: We need a reliable tractor to use in manure and pasture management.
- Vinyl and Electro-Braid Fencing: for aesthetic enhancement as well as providing more visible and safe boundaries for the animals and our participants
- Delivery Services: for large items
- Water Troughs
- Saddle Racks
- Bridle and Halter Hooks
- Blanket Racks